Tag: US

Happy Hour: Americans in France

“What is interesting is how my family and friends back home perceive my accent now: They find I have an accent and make fun of the way I speak English but sometimes I speak it if I were speaking French, non? 🙂 “ My name is Bobbi … Continue reading Happy Hour: Americans in France


Image: Shiny Coat Watch by Trojan_Llama in Flickr CC KC:  You are an American citizen, Marta, aren’t you? ME: Yes I am. The minute I could become a citizen, I did. And have voted in every election. I didn’t want to be a citizen of El Salvador … Continue reading Her

All migrants appearing in this work are real. But any resemblance to real visa numbers, newly issued or expired, is purely coincidental.

Photo: Isabel Ingram’s 1927 passport by Ken Mayer Flickr CC No. 12345: How do you experience in your work or from your personal experience the melting pot? The idea that America is a melting pot and is multicultural per nature? Cause I’m studying the European context … Continue reading All migrants appearing in this work are real. But any resemblance to real visa numbers, newly issued or expired, is purely coincidental.