Tag: I am not an economic migrant

On motherhood

Photo credit: Children playing, by Armandas Jarusauskas, Flickr CC 2.0 Meet my sister’s friend and neighbor Nadia* Annelise: Tell me where you are from. Nadia: I’m from Egypt. A: And where in Egypt? N: I am from Cairo. A: So you were born in Cairo, … Continue reading On motherhood

“It was not even a conscious decision to come to this country or even to emigrate. I was then offered a job here and I thought: Why not? I can always go back.”

I am not an economic migrant, in fact it was not even a conscious decision to come to this country or even to emigrate. It was 2009, I was then offered a job here and I thought: Why not? I can always go back. But I … Continue reading “It was not even a conscious decision to come to this country or even to emigrate. I was then offered a job here and I thought: Why not? I can always go back.”

refuge (noun): 1. a shelter or protection from danger or trouble; 2. a place that provides shelter or protection

My name is Lara Pulsar, I come from Schleswig-Holstein and I have been living here for five years now. I cannot define myself based on the categories that you have been using. I am not a German, I am not an economic migrant. I am … Continue reading refuge (noun): 1. a shelter or protection from danger or trouble; 2. a place that provides shelter or protection

Duden’s 5 synonyms for our title: Arbeitsemigrant, Arbeitsimmigrant, Wirtschaftsasylant, Wirtschaftsflüchtling, Scheinasylant

Photos: t-online_001 by Sebastian Küpers on Flickr CC facebook like button, by Sean MacEntee on Flickr CC This conversation took place in a Facebook group called Germans in Spain   Anne Lise: Hi, so I have this blog… Anyone willing to share your migration experience? Vittorio … Continue reading Duden’s 5 synonyms for our title: Arbeitsemigrant, Arbeitsimmigrant, Wirtschaftsasylant, Wirtschaftsflüchtling, Scheinasylant


Image: Shiny Coat Watch by Trojan_Llama in Flickr CC KC:  You are an American citizen, Marta, aren’t you? ME: Yes I am. The minute I could become a citizen, I did. And have voted in every election. I didn’t want to be a citizen of El Salvador … Continue reading Her