Tag: Europe

But these are imaginary lives, right?

Photo credit:Qué lejos estoy del suelo donde he nacido…, by Ana Rodriguez Carrington, Flickr CC   Meet M., a migrant from Guinea-Bissau and Spain, currently living in Switzerland. A: How has your experience in Europe been, how long have you been here? M: Here in … Continue reading But these are imaginary lives, right?

No one takes migrants seriously. You are always a subject of unwarranted attention and exaggerated empathy, especially if you are someone of colour.

Meet an educational migrant.   Photo: L’immigré, 2007 by Ousmane Sow, in front of the Gare Cornavin Since when have you lived in a country that is not the country in which you were born? I have been out of my country of birth since … Continue reading No one takes migrants seriously. You are always a subject of unwarranted attention and exaggerated empathy, especially if you are someone of colour.